Newark curfew for unaccompanied minors takes effect Friday


    Mayor Ras J. Baraka and Public Safety Director Anthony F. Ambrose announce that beginning today, Friday, July 6th 2018 through Labor Day, Monday, September 3rd, 2018, the City of Newark will enforce its Summer Juvenile Curfew Initiative.

    The initiative has been established to safeguard juveniles by ensuring that they remain under the supervision of a parent or guardian at night during the summer months. While parents have the primary responsibility to provide for the safety and welfare of their children, the City of Newark is committed to preserving the safety of its children and preventing juvenile crime and victimization.

    Parents are advised that police will enforce the Curfew Ordinance upon unaccompanied minors ages 18 and below who are more than 100 yards from their residence from 11 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. the following day between July 6th and September 3, 2018.

    “We want the children of our city to enjoy the summer months safely by limiting the opportunity for them to come in contact with criminal activity,” Mayor Baraka said. “The safest place for children at night is under the mindful supervision of their parents or another trusted adult, and not on the streets. This initiative is aimed at ensuring that children, and all of Newark’s residents, have a fun and safe summer.”

    “The overnight hours are particularly hazardous for children because fewer family members and neighbors are outdoors to monitor their safety,” Director Ambrose said. “While we are working diligently to provide an ample police presence in all our neighborhoods, we respectfully request that parents abide by the summer juvenile curfew ordinance because it will be enforced. Our plan is to reduce the chances that children become victims of crime or become unwittingly engaged in criminal activity.”


    Newark City Ordinance, 20:2-4.1 states: It shall be unlawful for any minor under the age of eighteen (18) to loiter, idle, wander, stroll or play in, or remain in or be upon the public streets, highways, roads, public places and public buildings, places of amusement and entertainment, public transportation facility, public vehicles used for transportation, vacant lots or other public places within the confines of the City or to be more than one hundred (100) yards from his or her place of residence between the hours of 11 p.m. and 5:30 a.m. of the following day. The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to any minor accompanied by his or her parent, guardian or other adult person having care or custody of the minor, or where the minor is upon an emergency errand directed by his or her parent or guardian, or other adult person having care or custody of the minor. An emergency errand shall be an errand required to preserve the life of a person.

    The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to any juvenile engaged in or traveling to or from a business or occupation which the laws of this State authorize a juvenile to perform or to a juvenile who is attending extracurricular school activities, activities sponsored by religious or community-based organizations and other cultural educational and social events that may occur after 11 p.m. and before 5:30 a.m.

    Any minor under eighteen (18) years of age found by a Police Officer to be in violation of this ordinance shall be brought to the nearest Police Station where the minor shall be released to his or her parent or guardian. The juvenile, along with the parent or guardian, will be issued a written warning that will be kept on file with the Police Division for a period of six (6) months. A second infraction during that period will result in the arrest of the juvenile. If within six (6) months from the second infraction the juvenile is found in violation of the ordinance, the juvenile and the parent or guardian will be summonsed to appear in court before a judge. Fines can range from $100 to $1,000.

    Director Ambrose urges parents to abide by this ordinance and asks that anyone with information about any suspicious or criminal activity to call the Department’s 24-hour Crime Stopper tip line at 1-877-NWK-TIPS (1-877-695-8477) or 1-877-NWK-GUNS (1-877-695-4867). All anonymous Crime Stopper tips are kept confidential and could result in a reward.

    By RLS Media Staff